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Cute gopher programming.
  • Go
Cute gopher face zooming in.
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Hey there! Welcome to another project review. This time we are going to take a look at Gom, a functional parser combinators library for Go inspired in Nom crate for Rust.

Wait… What is a parser combinator? 🤔

Let’s start by defining what parsing is. Basically, parsing is just the process of evaluate symbols against rules and produce a meaningful output. Usually those symbols are a stream of characters and the rules are functions (called parser or parser combinators) whose consume symbols, apply some matching logic and return the result and the remaining symbols. Take a look at the following code:

func Char(symbols string, target rune) (rune, string, error) {
    if len(symbols) == 0 {
        return 0, "", fmt.Errorf("unexpected end of input")

    if rune(symbols[0]) == target {
        return target, symbols[1:], nil

    return 0, symbols, fmt.Errorf("unexpected symbol %c", symbols[0])

We can see that Char function simply takes a string and tries to match the first character with the target character. If the match is successful, it returns the matched character, the remaining string and a none error. Otherwise, it returns an error depending if the input is empty or the character doesn’t match. Well… we have built a parser combinator🎉 (or not !?).

Strictly speaking, we have not built a parser combinator yet; but take it easy, we are almost there. Actually, a real parser combinator should be composable; that is, we should be able to combine multiple parsers to create more complex parsers. We can achieve this behavior by creating functions which share same returning type: another function. Take a look at the following code:

// We define a generic type for describe a parser function signature
type Parser[O any] func(input string) (string, O, error)

// We turn the Char function into a parser combinator
func Char(target rune) Parser[rune] {
    return func(input string) (string, rune, error) {
      // ...`Char` implementation

Basically we have created a Parser type which is a function that takes a string and returns a tuple with the remaining string, the result and an error. We also have created a Char function which returns a Parser function that matches the first character of the input string with the target character. Now we can combine multiple parsers to create more complex parsers since all of them shares same return type. Take a look at the following code:

// We define a generic type for group pair parsers results 
type PairResult[T, K any] struct {
	first  T
	second K

// We define `Pair` function which takes two parsers,  
// apply them and return a parser for pair result 
func Pair[T, K any](firstParser Parser[T], secondParser Parser[K]) Parser[PairResult[T, K]] {
	return func(input string) (string, PairResult[T, K], error) {
		var result PairResult[T, K]

		rest, p1, err := firstParser(input)  // Apply the first parser

		if err != nil {
			return "", result, fmt.Errorf("first parser failed")  

		next, p2, err := secondParser(rest) // Apply the second parser

		if err != nil {
			return "", result, fmt.Errorf("second parser failed")

		result.first = p1
		result.second = p2

		return next, result, nil  // Return the result

In the previous code we can start to notice the power of parser combinators. Just with a generic function signature and a couple of functions which shares same generic return type, we can start to compose complex matching logic. In this case, we have created a Pair function which takes two parsers, apply them in sequence and return a parser for a pair result. Let’s see how can we use it with the Char parser:

func main() {
    // We create a parser for a pair of characters
    pairParser := Pair(Char('a'), Char('b'))

    // We apply the parser to a string
    rest, result, err := pairParser("abcdefg")

    if err != nil {

    fmt.Printf("First: %c, Second: %c, Remaining: %s", result.first, result.second, rest)

    // Output: First: a, Second: b, Remaining: cdefg

In the previous code we have created a parser for a pair of characters and applied it to a string. The parser first tries to match the first character with ‘a’ and then the second character with ‘b’. If the match is successful, it returns the pair result and the remaining string.

Gom in action 🎯

Once we have understood the basics of parser combinators, we can start to see the power of Gom library. Gom is a functional parser library for Go inspired in Nom crate for Rust. It provides a set of parser combinators for simplify parsing tasks in Go programming language. Some of the features of Gom are:

Let’s create a super simple HTML tags parser using Gom library. We are going to create a parser for matching HTML tags like <html>, <head>, <body>, etc. Take a look at the following code:

package main

import (


func main() {
    // Parses attribute name -> attr=
	attrNameParser := gom.Terminated(
		gom.StrictTakeWhile(func(ch rune) bool {
			return unicode.IsLetter(ch) || ch == '-'

    // Parses attribute value -> "value"
	attrValueParser := gom.Delimited[string](

    // Parses attribute -> attr="value"
	attrParser := gom.Pair[string, string](attrNameParser, attrValueParser)

    // Parses HTML tag -> <html lang="en" name="alfredo" >
	htmlTagParser := gom.Delimited[string](
        // Checks for '<' character and consumes it

        // Parses a pair composed by tag name as first parser 
        // and a list of attributes as second parser
		gom.Pair[string, []gom.PairResult[string, string]](
                // Parses tag name -> html

                // Consumes spaces
				gom.Many(gom.Char(' ')),
                    // Parses a list of attributes -> lang="en", name="alfredo" 
					gom.Many(gom.Char(' ')),

        // Checks for '>' character and consumes it

	next, parsed, err := htmlTagParser("<html lang=\"en\" name=\"alfredo\">")

	fmt.Println(next, parsed, err)

    // Output:  "" {html [{lang en} {name alfredo}]} <nil>

We have created a parser for matching HTML tags using Gom library. The parser is composed by a tag name and a list of attributes. The tag name is a sequence of letters and the attributes are a list of pairs composed by an attribute name and an attribute value. We have used some of the Gom default parsers like StrictTakeWhile, Char, Many, etc. to create the parser. Finally, we have applied the parser to a string and printed the result.

Downsides 📉

Conclusion 🎉

Gom is a powerful tool for creating parsers but it can be complex to understand and use. It requires a good understanding of functional programming and recursion. It can be slow for some tasks and tricky to handle errors. Go programming language is not the best choice for functional programming and parser combinators can be lead to messy code very fast. Despite its downsides, Gom was a great experiment and improved my understanding about parsers in Go and it can be a good choice for some tasks. Give it a try and see if it fits your needs.

That’s all for today folks! I hope you enjoyed this project review. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to contact me in my social media. I’ll be happy to answer them. See you in the next project review! 👋🏼.